Säg att du är med? Att vi delar samma resa, styr mot samma mål. Kom ta min hand vi gör världen till vår (higher? higher?) to be with you is easy, this feeling inside me sends me sky high.
I love to fly. It’s just a long peace and quiet. Nothing around you but clear blue sky. No one hassle you, no one to tell you where to go or what to do. (to be with you is easy, oh baby)
In 2012, Rihanna invited press and fans to join her on her 777-tour: they were disappointed (they never saw her except from at the 70-minute- long performance they got to experience every night, she never missed a beat, they slept and ate only on board) Sky high ride. Greeted with a gift bag and a packet of information: laminate with their names: socks, perfumes, one very tiny diamond (“you can never say you never had a diamond in your life!”)
Shine bright like one.
In 2016, Rihanna told Tara she loved her (Rihanna on stage, Tara center front row). Come inside my dream cave, come inside my rainbow shell, come inside my (private jet) and I – I – I will show you.
The only bad part about flying is having to come down to the fucking world.
Galleri Golsa 25.5-24.6.2018